Early Childhood Care and Education advocacy campaign (Ma'an- Jordan)



ANHRE conducted an advocacy project on Early Childhood in south of Jordan in cooperation with Change Academy for Democratic Studies and Development funded by USAID, AED Jordan Civil Society Program. 


ANHRE trained three partners from Ma’an on advocacy and new tactics methodology that enabled them to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the advocacy campaigns in their area successfully.

The goal of the initiative: to expand and provide quality ECCE in Ma’an

The idea is to take initiative at the local level for children to be ready for school and schools to be ready for children, its objectives are: 
• To amend/enforce the current education law to expand and provide quality ECCE in Ma’an 
• To build the capacity of the education coalition in Ma’an to use effectively the advocacy tools and strategies into their work to address the situation of ECCE in Jordan and advocate the rights to early childhood care and education at local level
• To expand quality of ECCE programs (before school) and early primary grades (classes 1 – 3) with special attention to reach the most disadvantaged/vulnerable and disabled groups
• To mobilize the community/NGOs to speak out their demands towards amending/enforcing the current education law to expand and provide ECCE 

The results of this campaign were: 

1) The community and CBOs are actively engaged in the process, planning of the viable advocacy strategy (identifying the problem, vision, stakeholders and decision makers), implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Through out the project 56 youth trained in different activities. The project succeeded into engaging 30 CBOs, and 2234 people, 479 are youth

2) The CBOs are mobilized to make pressure on the government and to pay more attention to this sector

3) Practical steps had been taken by the Ministry of education to enhance the service of early childhood to the kids who are not covered by this service” 


A) Revising the instructions attached to the education law that always the Ministry has the authority to announce and modify it. The purpose of the revision is to include to the instructions on Education Law Item 8 –B, that the gradual establishment of the KG will be activated to cover poverty pockets beginning from the south (Maan) and taking practical steps to accommodate that including the budget revision. The draft of this the instruction was sent to the x-minister and now it is in the hand of the new minister.

B) The establishment of working teams in the provinces (north, middle and south) to involve the educational directorates, CBOs, private sector and universities in the efforts of enhancing the early childhood service in the poverty pockets. 

C) The enhancement of the adoption of program of enhancing readiness and willingness to learning in the poverty pockets for kids who did not have the chance to enroll in KG2 and they enrolled directly in grade 1.

D) Establishment of the family awareness section at the directorate of childhood at the ministry to activate the role of parents and raise their awareness especially regarding the early childhood stage

E) The signing of the MOU to pilot the Play it Fair toolkit with teachers in east Amman in cooperation with early childhood department.


To read the article about the project press here 

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