Strategic Objectives


Strategic intervention pathways:

Empowerment Pathway:

Empowered Civil Society Institutions Capable of Human Rights-based advocacy

- Provide data and information related to rights, social justice and social cohesion

- Improve capacities and develop the skills of institutions to reach the competencies necessary to advocate for rights

- Develop joint programs and projects to bring the change


Learning Pathway:

Civil society organizations actively and safely engaged in shared learning spaces

- Develop spaces and opportunities for continuous learning and exchange of approaches, tools and curriculum in the thematic areas of ANHRE work

- Create spaces for dialogue and sharing on the most emergent issues that affect the performance of civil society institutions

- Strengthen the role of ANHRE as a regional learning partner and host organization for related initiatives and projects


Advocacy Pathway:

An influential network in public policies and strategies based on the human rights approach and active citizenship

- Design and implement advocacy campaigns in the areas of the network's work

- Develop knowledge research and evidence to support advocacy efforts

- Coordinate and unify efforts at the regional level to enhance policy dialogue between decision-makers, civil society institutions and other stakeholders


Continuous institutional development pathway and sustainability:

A regional network with efficient management and effective membership, based on the continuous development of its internal construction, and enjoys transparency, credibility and sustainability

- Develop and activate the internal systems, plans and general policies of the network

- Strengthen internal communication among all members of the network to facilitate regular and sustainable engagement

- Ensure the financial sustainability