Launching the ICAE Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy–IALLA. 28 Oct 2014


Launching the ICAE Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy – IALLA 2014 with participation of 26 persons (10 men and 16 women). The participants are from 18 countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Mongolia, Nepal, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine).

This eighth edition of IALLA is in the Arab Region, from October 13 to 26, 2014 in Madaba, Jordan.

The ICAE Academy of Lifelong Learning Advocacy is the main international training programme that the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) has created with the aim of broadening the vision on adult learning and helping new leaders acquire advocacy skills through a participatory methodology that includes an interlinkage analysis within and beyond the field of adult learning and education, and promoting networking as an effective mechanism for collective learning.

Since its creation in 2004 we have had a growing number of applicants from all regions and at this moment there are 189 IALLA graduates from 68 countries of all regions.

This course is organized by the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) in partnership with dvv International and with the support of the Swiss Development Cooperation


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